"For many are called, but few are chosen." (Mt 22:14)
Two nights ago, as I lay in bed, this verse kept playing in my head. Then, I realized how strange it sounded.
Wouldn't it make more sense to say "Many are chosen, but few are called"? In church, we are told that we are God's chosen people (1 Pet 2:9). We've all been chosen. Only some people are called. Only some receive this unique experience from God where He clearly tells them to come out to serve, usually as a pastor or other form of full-time work. Right? Perhaps, it may not even be to that magnitude. God may (indirectly) call you to be an RE teacher, a sermon-speaker, an interpreter, a writer, a youth coordinator, or Bible study facilitator. And yet, not many (relatively speaking) are called to do these things.
So then, what does it mean "For many are called, but few are chosen" in this salvation-crucial passage?
First, "many are called." In the Parable of Wedding Banquet (the verse concludes the parable), many are called (or "invited") to the wedding banquet of a king. They not only don't come, but mistreat and kill the servants who were sent to tell them to come. Then, the king gives an open invite to anyone the servants can find. Of course, this is about preaching the message of the kingdom of God. Before, only the Jews were part of God's kingdom. However, they killed the prophets, including Jesus. Now, salvation has been given to everyone. And indeed, this is what it means to be "called." When people hear about TJC, when we preach the truth to others, they are being "invited" to this spiritual banquet of salvation. They are being "called" "out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Pet 2:9) - called to be a part of God's church and to live a holy life (1 Tim 1:9, 1 Thess 4:7) that is pleasing to God, blameless in His eyes.
However, "few are chosen." Just because we are called to live a holy life does not mean we automatically do it. It is something we must actively strive for. If we don't, we will not be chosen. We will be like one of the guests the king noticed not wearing wedding clothes. The king said to him, "Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?" (Mt 22:12) The wedding garment is the good deeds and righteous acts that constitute a holy life. In Revelation, the saints wear this garment to the wedding banquet of the Lamb (Rev 19:8-9).
If we end up not living a holy life, a life worthy to this calling (Eph 4:1), the king will say to us, "Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Mt 22:13) Earlier in verse 12, the king called him "Friend" because he was a friend who was invited to the grand banquet. He was a friend, called from the darkness outside to participate in a marvelous feast inside. However, because he did not wear the wedding garment, he was not chosen. Instead, he was thrown back outside into the darkness, a darkness which has become an exponentially scarier darkness than just the dark streets earlier in the parable, a darkness so painful you weep and gnash your teeth.
Now, I want to pay special attention to "Bind him hand and foot." Why didn't Jesus just say "Bind him, take him away..."? What is the point of indicating "hand and foot"? Again, this directly relates to the wedding garment - our deeds. Hands represent what we do. Feet represent where we decide to go. This guest's hands and feet were tied because he went and did unholy things, even though he was called to holiness. Because of his actions, he was not chosen even though he was called.
Friends, haven't we already been called to the banquet? In fact, might we already go church, feasting in the wedding hall filled with guests (Mt 22:10)? However, let's take a look at what we're wearing. Are we wearing the wedding garment of fine clean linen? Are we prepared for the banquet of the Lamb with righteous acts? If not, let us wash our hands from sinful deeds (Ja 4:8). Let us wash our feet from sinful ways. Let us actively strive to live a holy and blameless life, worthy of God's calling. For many are called, but few are chosen.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
49. Totes McGoats
Yesterday, a professor was talking to us about research and contacting him through email. "You think you get a lot of emails. I get more in one day that you get in a year! And I don't have Facebook or Twitter emails. They're all real."
Then, he was trying to convince us to send emails from our school accounts. He said something along the lines of: "Don't send me emails with your gmail. It goes straight to my spam. Do you know how valuable your princeton.edu email is? People try to copy it just so I'd read their emails. Once you graduate, you get an alumni.princeton email. It's worth a fortune."
On another note, today marks the first day in my memory I heard someone naturally say, "Totes McGoats."
Then, he was trying to convince us to send emails from our school accounts. He said something along the lines of: "Don't send me emails with your gmail. It goes straight to my spam. Do you know how valuable your princeton.edu email is? People try to copy it just so I'd read their emails. Once you graduate, you get an alumni.princeton email. It's worth a fortune."
On another note, today marks the first day in my memory I heard someone naturally say, "Totes McGoats."
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
48. Light in My Eyes
"My heart pounds, my strength fails me;
even the light has gone from my eyes." (Ps 38:10)
Ever seen people's eyes light up when they hear surprisingly good news? Or a child's eyes light up when he or she sees mommy or daddy? Light in your eyes is like energy - like a breath of life. In this glowing light, you can see hope, joy, and love.
However, the psalmist is pointing at quite the opposite. His strength has failed him. He is feeble, utterly crushed, and groans in anguish of heart. His heart pounds in pain and depression because of his sinful folly. His spiritual wounds fester. There is no peace. There is no rest. The light has gone from his eyes.
The light has gone from my eyes.
Therefore, I now pray, O Lord, please have mercy again. Even though my strength has failed me, You alone are the source of my strength. Even though I suffocate in weariness and isolation, You alone are my salvation and breath of awakened life. Return to my eyes Your light of joy. Return to my eyes Your light of hope.
"Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;" (Ps 13:3)
even the light has gone from my eyes." (Ps 38:10)
Ever seen people's eyes light up when they hear surprisingly good news? Or a child's eyes light up when he or she sees mommy or daddy? Light in your eyes is like energy - like a breath of life. In this glowing light, you can see hope, joy, and love.
However, the psalmist is pointing at quite the opposite. His strength has failed him. He is feeble, utterly crushed, and groans in anguish of heart. His heart pounds in pain and depression because of his sinful folly. His spiritual wounds fester. There is no peace. There is no rest. The light has gone from his eyes.
The light has gone from my eyes.
Therefore, I now pray, O Lord, please have mercy again. Even though my strength has failed me, You alone are the source of my strength. Even though I suffocate in weariness and isolation, You alone are my salvation and breath of awakened life. Return to my eyes Your light of joy. Return to my eyes Your light of hope.
"Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;" (Ps 13:3)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
47. The Young Adventurer
This weekend, a young adventurer traveled to the caverns of Louis where he met an ocarinist. He was encouraged to have a simple faith, to believe in God's promises like a child, and to pray to be led by God's Spirit because if we are led by the Spirit, we are not led by the flesh.
Then, he was blessed to be able to stay with the gatekeepers of Amwell. He was reminded of his duties as a son and student (He should fulfill these duties as if serving the Lord). He was encouraged to love and live for God in his school environment and local church. He was encouraged to pray before he speaks. He was encouraged to not compare.
Do not doubt God's promises and words. Believe and humbly accept His will.
The singer of the hill lands came along and reminded him that we should not assume. It's not about what man sees.
As the adventures came to an end, he saw even more clearly how deep God's love is. How can He love this sinner? How can He love this hypocrite? How can He love someone who does not heed His word and refuses to listen? Yet, He loves him so much to remind and encourage him - to show him His love through His messengers and faithful workers.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.
Then, he was blessed to be able to stay with the gatekeepers of Amwell. He was reminded of his duties as a son and student (He should fulfill these duties as if serving the Lord). He was encouraged to love and live for God in his school environment and local church. He was encouraged to pray before he speaks. He was encouraged to not compare.
Do not doubt God's promises and words. Believe and humbly accept His will.
The singer of the hill lands came along and reminded him that we should not assume. It's not about what man sees.
As the adventures came to an end, he saw even more clearly how deep God's love is. How can He love this sinner? How can He love this hypocrite? How can He love someone who does not heed His word and refuses to listen? Yet, He loves him so much to remind and encourage him - to show him His love through His messengers and faithful workers.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.
Friday, September 10, 2010
45. A Garden Locked Up
I find it quite superfluous to write out verbose, unrelated details in my dreams. I will attempt to be more succinct.
Two nights ago, I dreamt that someone was breaking into our house. We were home, but he was still breaking in through the window in the kitchen. I could see his bottom half - black dress shoes and black dress pants. I walked over to the kitchen and shouted, "Hey! Hey!" to let him know we were home. Then, he left.
Later, I was in the living room, and a bad guy came right through the front door. He wanted to rob us. He was throwing things at me. I kept saying "Hallelujah" and was praying in tongue too. He even stabbed my dad. Thank God we weren't hurt and nothing happened to us.
This reminded me of how we really need to guard our hearts.
"You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride;
you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain." (Song of Solomon 4:12)
As the bride of Christ, our hearts are like gardens. We must lock them up and not let the thief/robber come in. We must keep our gardens clean and neat and not let evil defile it. Sometimes, evil will try to sneak in. Sometimes, evil will walk right through our front door. However, we must rely on God's power to fight evil and cast it out of our hearts. Lock up our gardens and preserve them for the Lord.
Why was I reminded of this? Because I need such a reminder.
If you happen to read this, please pray for me.
Two nights ago, I dreamt that someone was breaking into our house. We were home, but he was still breaking in through the window in the kitchen. I could see his bottom half - black dress shoes and black dress pants. I walked over to the kitchen and shouted, "Hey! Hey!" to let him know we were home. Then, he left.
Later, I was in the living room, and a bad guy came right through the front door. He wanted to rob us. He was throwing things at me. I kept saying "Hallelujah" and was praying in tongue too. He even stabbed my dad. Thank God we weren't hurt and nothing happened to us.
This reminded me of how we really need to guard our hearts.
"You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride;
you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain." (Song of Solomon 4:12)
As the bride of Christ, our hearts are like gardens. We must lock them up and not let the thief/robber come in. We must keep our gardens clean and neat and not let evil defile it. Sometimes, evil will try to sneak in. Sometimes, evil will walk right through our front door. However, we must rely on God's power to fight evil and cast it out of our hearts. Lock up our gardens and preserve them for the Lord.
Why was I reminded of this? Because I need such a reminder.
If you happen to read this, please pray for me.
Monday, September 6, 2010
44. Cooking Rice
A few days ago, I was supposed to cook the rice. I washed it, added water, and placed the bucket in the cooker. However, when it was time for our family to eat the rice, we noticed it was watery and still uncooked on the inside. I may have accidentally pressed "Keep warm" instead of "Start." I had to quickly close the rice cooker and press the "Start" button, so the moisture and heat wouldn't leave, and the rice would finish cooking.
This got me thinking about how rice is cooked. After the rice is fully immersed and washed in the water, it must go through quite the process to be converted from hard, beige graininess to pure, white fluffiness. Though painful, this process is necessary.
After placing the bucket of rice and water in the cooker, the blanching (or cooking) process starts. The cooker heats up. The water level drops. Because the rice is no longer protected by this layer of water, the upper layers of rice get scorched by the steam. At first, only the outer layer is affected. However, as temperatures increase, the steam reaches deeper into the lower layers of rice in order to transform it. For the rice, gone are the days of cool water and fresh air. It is now surrounded by boiling water. It is now suffocated by intense steam. In each grain of rice, the heat must reach the very center in order to gelatinize the starch. The rice steams in the cooker until temperatures reach a blazing 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The Cooker knows that if temperatures exceed 212 F, the rice will overcook, so heating will cut off at 212 F.
Even though the rice experiences unbearable heat and pain, the cooker must not be opened or stopped. If opened, the cooker loses the original amount of moisture and the cooking environment cools. To the One who eats this rice, the rice looks white but tastes hard on the inside. Is this any better than before cooking the rice? In the beginning of the journey, the rice was completely hard and stubborn. There was no water in it: no moisture. If opened mid-way, the heart of the rice would still be hard. The rice must endure the entire rugged journey in order to become soft and fluffy, filled with water - no longer stiff and unyielding, but submissive and obedient.
If any grain of rice wants to be white and delicious, it must go through the heat and steam. There is no other choice. There is no option of escape. However, rest assured. It is worth it. Once the painful cooking is over, the rice can finally be enjoyed by the Master and His family.
This got me thinking about how rice is cooked. After the rice is fully immersed and washed in the water, it must go through quite the process to be converted from hard, beige graininess to pure, white fluffiness. Though painful, this process is necessary.
After placing the bucket of rice and water in the cooker, the blanching (or cooking) process starts. The cooker heats up. The water level drops. Because the rice is no longer protected by this layer of water, the upper layers of rice get scorched by the steam. At first, only the outer layer is affected. However, as temperatures increase, the steam reaches deeper into the lower layers of rice in order to transform it. For the rice, gone are the days of cool water and fresh air. It is now surrounded by boiling water. It is now suffocated by intense steam. In each grain of rice, the heat must reach the very center in order to gelatinize the starch. The rice steams in the cooker until temperatures reach a blazing 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The Cooker knows that if temperatures exceed 212 F, the rice will overcook, so heating will cut off at 212 F.
Even though the rice experiences unbearable heat and pain, the cooker must not be opened or stopped. If opened, the cooker loses the original amount of moisture and the cooking environment cools. To the One who eats this rice, the rice looks white but tastes hard on the inside. Is this any better than before cooking the rice? In the beginning of the journey, the rice was completely hard and stubborn. There was no water in it: no moisture. If opened mid-way, the heart of the rice would still be hard. The rice must endure the entire rugged journey in order to become soft and fluffy, filled with water - no longer stiff and unyielding, but submissive and obedient.
If any grain of rice wants to be white and delicious, it must go through the heat and steam. There is no other choice. There is no option of escape. However, rest assured. It is worth it. Once the painful cooking is over, the rice can finally be enjoyed by the Master and His family.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
43. Flying Backward
I was so busy last night - dreaming dreams...on Sabbath?
We ran out. We were hiding from someone or some people. Shawn, Michael K, and I ran into a portable to hide. They seemed to know what they were doing, so I followed. Michael stood still in one of the corners. Shawn faced him in the same corner and stood still. I stood to the right of Shawn and copied him. We all tried not to move.
Outside seemed pretty isolated. I was hoping they wouldn't come into the portable to check because I realized how awful of a hiding place that corner was. They could still see us in the open (through the window even). We weren't hiding under or behind anything. Then, someone came in. She noticed us and, in a friendly tone, told us to come out. I think it was someone from my acapella group. She was being very nice, and it seemed okay.
So we followed her to the field where some other people had gathered. I was getting suspicious. Then, I realized that they were going to kill us. I remembered that I had the ability to fly, so I jumped up and propelled myself. Then, I saw Debbie Y who had the ability to make people stop flying. I was worried she would use her ability on me. I think she did, but I told her not to because I needed to escape. Betsie, the president of the acapella group, was in charge of this all. She could also fly. I tried to fly away, but she was able to catch up. I immediately started flying backward and propelling myself. She didn't expect that, so I was able to keep flying higher and higher and more backward.
I was very high now, I think even to the point that I could see the whole earth. I had to quickly go back down and land somewhere. I was trying to choose where. I didn't want to choose anywhere too close to California because they might find me again. In the end, I chose to go to Dallas, so I clicked on Dallas, and I went down.
I was suddenly in a luxury cart. I think it was a compartment of a moving vehicle, but it was nice because it had a sink/drink station, bathrooms, tables, and other things. Betsie was there, but she said it was over now. She explained that the people there were those graduating from the acapella group. They choose some of them and kill them regularly. That's where all the graduates go. Some go on to grad school, some work, and some just disappear (aka, get killed). Then, she and some others went to the room next door, and I went to the bathroom. I realized I was the only guy there in the automotive compartment.
Later, I was taking a test somewhere. It was a standardized test because other people were there taking it too, but we have a peer grade it twice for us. I finished and exited. I turned my test in. Grady had graded it for me twice. I also turned in tests for Salvador and someone else. They both got a 6. I almost forgot to turn it in but realized in the last minute (This corresponds to real life because I was supposed to return Jon and Shawn's NYTS tests, but I still have them. hehe oops.) I was wondering why Salvador and the other person chose me to grade their tests. Did they think I would go easy? Or did they think I would grade it more accurately?
Later, I was in an Egyptian setting. On the top of the pyramid was lava that was flowing slowly. There was also a voice from there giving commands. It was a voice with a tone leaning toward evil. To the right of the pyramid, there was something like a sandbox. To the left, Bart was digging. The voice was telling Bart that he had to make two of these boxes before the lava comes down, so the lava can go into them. He was cutting the ground like bread, using a small knife, and then lifting the terrain. His cutout was too small though.
Later, in the same place, there was a mining area. Someone was telling me how they used to find gold there, then silver, then other things in decreasing value. Then, something poked up from the top of the mine, so someone had to cover the hole with sand.
Scene change. I was talking with some rucf people on what scene should be next. Phil was there. I think we were deciding between playing the scene with me flying (previous part of dream) or the batman scene. Last time when we did the batman scene, Phil wasn't supposed to actually shoot, but he shot me twice, so I had to drink two elixirs. Without really making a final decision, I heard two gunshots. Phil shot me twice on accident again, and I was in the batman scene now...by default. I landed in my garage, but I think my garage was suddenly more techy and scifi. I had two black ribbed cylinders. Inside were yellow-greenish neon liquid. It was my elixir, and I was drinking/sipping it. I saw either Crystal Cheung (or Margaretta. I don't remember.) in the driver's seat. She was sick. I offered her some elixir from my other cylinder. Later, I went inside, and Vivian Chan and Crystal were there. They were telling me how the elixir is just water and sugar. Way to burst my bubble.
Lesson's Learned?
*Sometimes people seem to know what they're doing and genuinely have good intentions, but as Christians, our fate is different. We are called to be blameless and to be co-heirs with Christ. We must not just go along with the flow of this world. If we aren't different, if we don't seem different to others, if we don't act differently, of course, our fate will not be different from those of the world, whom are doomed to perish (unless we convert them).
*Phil, don't shoot me. Let's talk it out before we decide on what to do.
We ran out. We were hiding from someone or some people. Shawn, Michael K, and I ran into a portable to hide. They seemed to know what they were doing, so I followed. Michael stood still in one of the corners. Shawn faced him in the same corner and stood still. I stood to the right of Shawn and copied him. We all tried not to move.
Outside seemed pretty isolated. I was hoping they wouldn't come into the portable to check because I realized how awful of a hiding place that corner was. They could still see us in the open (through the window even). We weren't hiding under or behind anything. Then, someone came in. She noticed us and, in a friendly tone, told us to come out. I think it was someone from my acapella group. She was being very nice, and it seemed okay.
So we followed her to the field where some other people had gathered. I was getting suspicious. Then, I realized that they were going to kill us. I remembered that I had the ability to fly, so I jumped up and propelled myself. Then, I saw Debbie Y who had the ability to make people stop flying. I was worried she would use her ability on me. I think she did, but I told her not to because I needed to escape. Betsie, the president of the acapella group, was in charge of this all. She could also fly. I tried to fly away, but she was able to catch up. I immediately started flying backward and propelling myself. She didn't expect that, so I was able to keep flying higher and higher and more backward.
I was very high now, I think even to the point that I could see the whole earth. I had to quickly go back down and land somewhere. I was trying to choose where. I didn't want to choose anywhere too close to California because they might find me again. In the end, I chose to go to Dallas, so I clicked on Dallas, and I went down.
I was suddenly in a luxury cart. I think it was a compartment of a moving vehicle, but it was nice because it had a sink/drink station, bathrooms, tables, and other things. Betsie was there, but she said it was over now. She explained that the people there were those graduating from the acapella group. They choose some of them and kill them regularly. That's where all the graduates go. Some go on to grad school, some work, and some just disappear (aka, get killed). Then, she and some others went to the room next door, and I went to the bathroom. I realized I was the only guy there in the automotive compartment.
Later, I was taking a test somewhere. It was a standardized test because other people were there taking it too, but we have a peer grade it twice for us. I finished and exited. I turned my test in. Grady had graded it for me twice. I also turned in tests for Salvador and someone else. They both got a 6. I almost forgot to turn it in but realized in the last minute (This corresponds to real life because I was supposed to return Jon and Shawn's NYTS tests, but I still have them. hehe oops.) I was wondering why Salvador and the other person chose me to grade their tests. Did they think I would go easy? Or did they think I would grade it more accurately?
Later, I was in an Egyptian setting. On the top of the pyramid was lava that was flowing slowly. There was also a voice from there giving commands. It was a voice with a tone leaning toward evil. To the right of the pyramid, there was something like a sandbox. To the left, Bart was digging. The voice was telling Bart that he had to make two of these boxes before the lava comes down, so the lava can go into them. He was cutting the ground like bread, using a small knife, and then lifting the terrain. His cutout was too small though.
Later, in the same place, there was a mining area. Someone was telling me how they used to find gold there, then silver, then other things in decreasing value. Then, something poked up from the top of the mine, so someone had to cover the hole with sand.
Scene change. I was talking with some rucf people on what scene should be next. Phil was there. I think we were deciding between playing the scene with me flying (previous part of dream) or the batman scene. Last time when we did the batman scene, Phil wasn't supposed to actually shoot, but he shot me twice, so I had to drink two elixirs. Without really making a final decision, I heard two gunshots. Phil shot me twice on accident again, and I was in the batman scene now...by default. I landed in my garage, but I think my garage was suddenly more techy and scifi. I had two black ribbed cylinders. Inside were yellow-greenish neon liquid. It was my elixir, and I was drinking/sipping it. I saw either Crystal Cheung (or Margaretta. I don't remember.) in the driver's seat. She was sick. I offered her some elixir from my other cylinder. Later, I went inside, and Vivian Chan and Crystal were there. They were telling me how the elixir is just water and sugar. Way to burst my bubble.
Lesson's Learned?
*Sometimes people seem to know what they're doing and genuinely have good intentions, but as Christians, our fate is different. We are called to be blameless and to be co-heirs with Christ. We must not just go along with the flow of this world. If we aren't different, if we don't seem different to others, if we don't act differently, of course, our fate will not be different from those of the world, whom are doomed to perish (unless we convert them).
*Phil, don't shoot me. Let's talk it out before we decide on what to do.
Friday, September 3, 2010
42. The sea, the cable, and the mountain
Last night I had a lot of dreams. Then I woke up, went back to sleep, and had another dream. Now, I only remember the most recent one. Oh well, here it goes.
I was at a beach. It was pretty empty and nice. Grady was there looking for something. There was a large blue sea. On the other side of the sea were mountains. There were small buildings/roads/cars here and there on the mountains. Joe called me on the phone and told me something. If I remember correctly, he told me he was going to propose soon (in the next few days, or that day). I was really excited. Then, I hung up.
I went to check if Grady found what he was looking for. He showed me the cable. He was looking for Joe's cable. One end was like the small USB-ish end you connect to cameras. It was in the ocean near the shore, but the cable kept extending all the way across the sea and then up the mountain because that's where Joe was staying. It was kind of thicker near the end. The other side of the cable was supposed to be a VGA connector to connect to Joe's laptop. Grady said he was originally going to just keep pulling the cable until he got the whole thing, but then figured it might not work. I called Joe back to ask what he wanted us to do. He said it was okay for us to just leave it for now. He'd come get it later after he's done.

I was wondering who Joe was going to propose to. Then, I saw some church people (west coasters) at the swings at the right of the beach. They were trying to guess who the guy was. They knew the person Joe was getting engaged to, but they didn't know it was Joe. They were swinging and chatting. Then I went back to where I originally was at the beach, and Joe was there. I asked him who it was, but he was quite secretive about it. Then I sort of saw a vision of how he planned to propose during dinner at a round-table Chinese style setting. There were more people in our group now, including some kids. From the left of the shore, indigenous/native people were coming. Their eyes were stitch-y. It seemed like they were attacking us. But, all they wanted to know was who Joe was getting engaged to. They kept trying to find out. The kids were closest and tried to cast them away. I advised the kids to just tell the natives that they didn't know because we truthfully don't know.
Later, our group ran away. The natives were behind us, chasing us. We were now on a trail up the mountain. Along this uphill road, we saw a house/shack. We went through it. As we exited the house to go back to the road, the natives were there. We had to split up. I told some of the people in our group to go downhill and lead the natives away, so we can keep going up the mountain. They did so, and the natives were distracted and followed them. Me, Grady, and some others kept going up the mountain. Some Chinese (da4lu4) people kept harassing us. I think one of them was Sida. They kept asking why we were going that way. They didn't want us to keep going. They even tried to lure us away. Sida said that there was a fun festival going on today at the bottom of the mountain, but I deflected his attempt, saying, "Ha! But Grady doesn't like to have fun!" Then, we went into another shack, but Grady exited from the entrance to spit something out. I went in and noticed how the air was very dusty. He probably got dust in his mouth.
Then, after going through the shack, I went out from the exit back to the road. Somehow, I was alone now, but there were multiple Chinese people ganging up on me. I saw the cable on the ground! I realized that they were trying to prevent me from finding it. This time it was a circular end. I kept pulling it, and eventually I got the entire cable!
That's all I remember.
Lessons learned?
*Joe is going to propose at a Chinese style dinner soon.
*Team work and unity is essential when we are facing the enemy.
*The enemy will often try to discourage us, tempt us, and try to prevent us from going up the mountain, but don't listen! Stay focused and keep climbing.
*Sometimes, in our spiritual lives, we are all alone, facing the enemy. These are the hardest times, but we have to stay strong.
*"We're marching to Zion. Beautiful, beautiful Zion. We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God."
May God guide and strengthen us in our journey upward to Mount Zion - the heavenly Jerusalem, the unshakable kingdom, the city of the living God.
I was at a beach. It was pretty empty and nice. Grady was there looking for something. There was a large blue sea. On the other side of the sea were mountains. There were small buildings/roads/cars here and there on the mountains. Joe called me on the phone and told me something. If I remember correctly, he told me he was going to propose soon (in the next few days, or that day). I was really excited. Then, I hung up.
I went to check if Grady found what he was looking for. He showed me the cable. He was looking for Joe's cable. One end was like the small USB-ish end you connect to cameras. It was in the ocean near the shore, but the cable kept extending all the way across the sea and then up the mountain because that's where Joe was staying. It was kind of thicker near the end. The other side of the cable was supposed to be a VGA connector to connect to Joe's laptop. Grady said he was originally going to just keep pulling the cable until he got the whole thing, but then figured it might not work. I called Joe back to ask what he wanted us to do. He said it was okay for us to just leave it for now. He'd come get it later after he's done.

I was wondering who Joe was going to propose to. Then, I saw some church people (west coasters) at the swings at the right of the beach. They were trying to guess who the guy was. They knew the person Joe was getting engaged to, but they didn't know it was Joe. They were swinging and chatting. Then I went back to where I originally was at the beach, and Joe was there. I asked him who it was, but he was quite secretive about it. Then I sort of saw a vision of how he planned to propose during dinner at a round-table Chinese style setting. There were more people in our group now, including some kids. From the left of the shore, indigenous/native people were coming. Their eyes were stitch-y. It seemed like they were attacking us. But, all they wanted to know was who Joe was getting engaged to. They kept trying to find out. The kids were closest and tried to cast them away. I advised the kids to just tell the natives that they didn't know because we truthfully don't know.
Later, our group ran away. The natives were behind us, chasing us. We were now on a trail up the mountain. Along this uphill road, we saw a house/shack. We went through it. As we exited the house to go back to the road, the natives were there. We had to split up. I told some of the people in our group to go downhill and lead the natives away, so we can keep going up the mountain. They did so, and the natives were distracted and followed them. Me, Grady, and some others kept going up the mountain. Some Chinese (da4lu4) people kept harassing us. I think one of them was Sida. They kept asking why we were going that way. They didn't want us to keep going. They even tried to lure us away. Sida said that there was a fun festival going on today at the bottom of the mountain, but I deflected his attempt, saying, "Ha! But Grady doesn't like to have fun!" Then, we went into another shack, but Grady exited from the entrance to spit something out. I went in and noticed how the air was very dusty. He probably got dust in his mouth.
Then, after going through the shack, I went out from the exit back to the road. Somehow, I was alone now, but there were multiple Chinese people ganging up on me. I saw the cable on the ground! I realized that they were trying to prevent me from finding it. This time it was a circular end. I kept pulling it, and eventually I got the entire cable!
That's all I remember.
Lessons learned?
*Joe is going to propose at a Chinese style dinner soon.
*Team work and unity is essential when we are facing the enemy.
*The enemy will often try to discourage us, tempt us, and try to prevent us from going up the mountain, but don't listen! Stay focused and keep climbing.
*Sometimes, in our spiritual lives, we are all alone, facing the enemy. These are the hardest times, but we have to stay strong.
*"We're marching to Zion. Beautiful, beautiful Zion. We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God."
May God guide and strengthen us in our journey upward to Mount Zion - the heavenly Jerusalem, the unshakable kingdom, the city of the living God.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
41. Sober
Last night I had a dream.
I was going to Rooftop Campus Fellowship (It actually felt like going to Philly or DC). I was sitting in the car and remembering that they keep a book there with song lyrics. Whenever people visit, they sing the hymn to you and write your name on it. I had visited a couple times before. Then, we got there. I was getting my stuff out, and as we got to the building, I remembered that it takes a while to walk up the stairs because it's on one of the higher floors. It ended up taking not as long as I thought. Anthony, Grady, Ray, and some other rucf people were there. Stuff happened, and I can't really remember much. Oh, I think I saw Paul there. He was wearing a white polo.
Later, I was at a church that looked exactly like Baldwin Park. It was probably Baldwin Park. It was Spiritual Convocation, and Pastor Hwang was speaking. I was sitting in my usual spot. Then, my aunt came and told me it was about time to leave. I looked at the time, and it seemed like it was time. I was supposed to start school that day. We left, and next thing I knew I was sitting in the living room of my house. I noticed I still had some time before I headed out to my first class of the semester, so I listened to a livestream of the SC. As I was listening, I got so engrossed that I lost track of time. Then, I noticed that it was late afternoon, and all my classes that day were over! I was so frustrated. I had a class at 11am! How did this happen? I kept thinking about what I would do. Some classes are important for you to be there. For example, for Spanish, you can't miss that many classes or else you get marked down in your final grade. What if I missed important things I needed to know?
Then, my dad came home, and he was talking about my flight back to NJ that Sunday. I suddenly realized I was still in California, and my classes already started. That meant I would have to miss Thursday and Friday classes too (it was Wednesday)! How did that happen when I was buying plane tickets? I was so flustered!
That's all I have.
Lessons learned?
*Be sober and vigilant at all times.
I was going to Rooftop Campus Fellowship (It actually felt like going to Philly or DC). I was sitting in the car and remembering that they keep a book there with song lyrics. Whenever people visit, they sing the hymn to you and write your name on it. I had visited a couple times before. Then, we got there. I was getting my stuff out, and as we got to the building, I remembered that it takes a while to walk up the stairs because it's on one of the higher floors. It ended up taking not as long as I thought. Anthony, Grady, Ray, and some other rucf people were there. Stuff happened, and I can't really remember much. Oh, I think I saw Paul there. He was wearing a white polo.
Later, I was at a church that looked exactly like Baldwin Park. It was probably Baldwin Park. It was Spiritual Convocation, and Pastor Hwang was speaking. I was sitting in my usual spot. Then, my aunt came and told me it was about time to leave. I looked at the time, and it seemed like it was time. I was supposed to start school that day. We left, and next thing I knew I was sitting in the living room of my house. I noticed I still had some time before I headed out to my first class of the semester, so I listened to a livestream of the SC. As I was listening, I got so engrossed that I lost track of time. Then, I noticed that it was late afternoon, and all my classes that day were over! I was so frustrated. I had a class at 11am! How did this happen? I kept thinking about what I would do. Some classes are important for you to be there. For example, for Spanish, you can't miss that many classes or else you get marked down in your final grade. What if I missed important things I needed to know?
Then, my dad came home, and he was talking about my flight back to NJ that Sunday. I suddenly realized I was still in California, and my classes already started. That meant I would have to miss Thursday and Friday classes too (it was Wednesday)! How did that happen when I was buying plane tickets? I was so flustered!
That's all I have.
Lessons learned?
*Be sober and vigilant at all times.
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