I was at a beach. It was pretty empty and nice. Grady was there looking for something. There was a large blue sea. On the other side of the sea were mountains. There were small buildings/roads/cars here and there on the mountains. Joe called me on the phone and told me something. If I remember correctly, he told me he was going to propose soon (in the next few days, or that day). I was really excited. Then, I hung up.
I went to check if Grady found what he was looking for. He showed me the cable. He was looking for Joe's cable. One end was like the small USB-ish end you connect to cameras. It was in the ocean near the shore, but the cable kept extending all the way across the sea and then up the mountain because that's where Joe was staying. It was kind of thicker near the end. The other side of the cable was supposed to be a VGA connector to connect to Joe's laptop. Grady said he was originally going to just keep pulling the cable until he got the whole thing, but then figured it might not work. I called Joe back to ask what he wanted us to do. He said it was okay for us to just leave it for now. He'd come get it later after he's done.

I was wondering who Joe was going to propose to. Then, I saw some church people (west coasters) at the swings at the right of the beach. They were trying to guess who the guy was. They knew the person Joe was getting engaged to, but they didn't know it was Joe. They were swinging and chatting. Then I went back to where I originally was at the beach, and Joe was there. I asked him who it was, but he was quite secretive about it. Then I sort of saw a vision of how he planned to propose during dinner at a round-table Chinese style setting. There were more people in our group now, including some kids. From the left of the shore, indigenous/native people were coming. Their eyes were stitch-y. It seemed like they were attacking us. But, all they wanted to know was who Joe was getting engaged to. They kept trying to find out. The kids were closest and tried to cast them away. I advised the kids to just tell the natives that they didn't know because we truthfully don't know.
Later, our group ran away. The natives were behind us, chasing us. We were now on a trail up the mountain. Along this uphill road, we saw a house/shack. We went through it. As we exited the house to go back to the road, the natives were there. We had to split up. I told some of the people in our group to go downhill and lead the natives away, so we can keep going up the mountain. They did so, and the natives were distracted and followed them. Me, Grady, and some others kept going up the mountain. Some Chinese (da4lu4) people kept harassing us. I think one of them was Sida. They kept asking why we were going that way. They didn't want us to keep going. They even tried to lure us away. Sida said that there was a fun festival going on today at the bottom of the mountain, but I deflected his attempt, saying, "Ha! But Grady doesn't like to have fun!" Then, we went into another shack, but Grady exited from the entrance to spit something out. I went in and noticed how the air was very dusty. He probably got dust in his mouth.
Then, after going through the shack, I went out from the exit back to the road. Somehow, I was alone now, but there were multiple Chinese people ganging up on me. I saw the cable on the ground! I realized that they were trying to prevent me from finding it. This time it was a circular end. I kept pulling it, and eventually I got the entire cable!
That's all I remember.
Lessons learned?
*Joe is going to propose at a Chinese style dinner soon.
*Team work and unity is essential when we are facing the enemy.
*The enemy will often try to discourage us, tempt us, and try to prevent us from going up the mountain, but don't listen! Stay focused and keep climbing.
*Sometimes, in our spiritual lives, we are all alone, facing the enemy. These are the hardest times, but we have to stay strong.
*"We're marching to Zion. Beautiful, beautiful Zion. We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God."
May God guide and strengthen us in our journey upward to Mount Zion - the heavenly Jerusalem, the unshakable kingdom, the city of the living God.
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