When I woke up this morning, I felt well-rested and knew something was wrong... I must have overslept. It was 9:36AM! I got my stuff and ran to the train station, bought a ticket, and hopped on. Thank God I made it, but I was 1 hour behind my intended schedule.
In the end, I made it in time for my flight and got to California early by circa 20 minutes.
I am reminded that
"In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps." (Prov 16:9)
I can try to plan my future in my own risk-averse way, but God really knows what's best even though it seems awful to me at the time.
I was stressed that I might miss my flight, but instead, I ended up catching the flight, getting around 1 extra hour of sleep, and arriving at Cali early. And who knows, maybe God protected me from other obstacles as well?
Even if I never find out why some bad things may happen, may I purpose to Do All Things Without Grumbling or Complaining.