Thursday, October 13, 2011

109. Tree of Life

During PMVP prayer last night, as I prayed about Geodude's decision to continue with his PhD or to work, I thought, "What if each option was equally okay with God?"

Of course, such a decision could matter a lot to us, but neither is forbidden. And let's say God did not command or give hints to choose either. In that case, wouldn't it be like eating any of the other fruits in Eden?

Then, I thought to myself, "Adam and Eve could freely eat any of those other trees. But, why eat from those trees when you could eat from the tree of life, which is way more awesome?"

At that moment, I realized I really wanted to eat from the tree of life. It's more than just a tasty, pretty tree (Gen 2:9); it can make you live forever (Gen 3:22)!

But I couldn't. There are angels guarding it (Rev 21:12), and nothing impure can ever enter (Rev 21:27)--only those who overcome (Rev 2:7, 21:7). Thinking about this made me want to overcome and pursue spiritual purity.

Adam got to taste fruit from the tree of kogae, but was it really worth it? His sin prevented passage past the cherubim guarding the tree of life (Gen 3:24).

The same goes for the people of God today. Tolerating small or large impurities sometimes seem okay, especially when we have convinced ourselves into lowering our perception of their severity. But nothing impure can ever enter! Either you're out or you're in. Either you die or you live forever.

How much do I want to eat from the tree of life?

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