I was at Irvine church. They were holding a music camp. The youth were going to sing One Day. My music professor was there, and he told me that I was supposed to play clarinet, but I didn't remember how to play. I actually never learned, but somehow in my dream I thought I could remember. The clarinet looked funny because you can press buttons with letters on them along the shaft. So, I tried to play. It was really hard. People were listening to a recording--it was a recording of One Day in 6/8. I, then, remembered I had recorded One Day in 4/4 and 6/8. Later, I saw an arrangement of One Day in 3/4 with 5 to 6 part harmonization. My music professor arranged it. Then, I thought, "If I'm playing clarinet, who's playing piano?" Someone told me that my professor was going to play piano. I wondered if it was okay for non-TJC people to play piano in choir presentations.
Then, it was time for rehearsal. Lina was conducting. We went through the song with me playing in a clarinet duet (I was playing the lower part and someone else had melody), someone playing the piano, and the choir singing. The run-through went really well. I felt the choir sounded good. Someone complemented me. I was surprised because I remembered that I had messed up a lot in the run-through on the clarinet. Then, it was time for the children's choir to rehearse. Lisa was conducting. She was talking about the children's choir in an introduction. She used to the word "magical"--I think either to describe the choir or the song. I told her it probably isn't a good idea to use the word "magical" and she agreed. Then, they started singing. It was acapella. The kids sounded really good, though a bit soft. They were singing about Japanese things though. I think "Naruto" was in the lyrics somewhere. It was a secular song.. and I was kind of confused as to how that could've worked its way into the program.
Later, I was outside and walking down a wide, spiral staircase of stone. It was night. There was a couple talking. They may have talked to me, but don't remember anymore.
Later, I was in a dining area with church people. There were two tables adjacent to each other so that the two would become one long table. Of course, it's still two tables. So I saw Clarissa, Emerlyn, Christine, and some other church sisters talking. I hadn't seem them in a while, so I went over. Clarissa's clutch was in a seat between her and Emerlyn. She moved it so I could sit down. She asked me, "Have you looked at my Facebook page recently?"
"Then you would have noticed that you can't see my contacts mail anymore." (I'm pretty sure she meant to say inbox messages, but she said something along the lines of "contacts mail")
Even though nobody can see other people's inbox messages on FB anyway, what she said seemed to make sense at the time.

Later, I was in a taxi that was taking me back to school. It was my stop, so I got off. There were other people in the car too. I went to the trunk to get my backpack and laptop, but when it opened, I couldn't see them. I looked over to my seat in the car. My stuff wasn't there either. I got really worried. Then I saw my backpack squeezed along the front wall of the trunk. What a relief. I got my stuff and left. As I was walking, I noticed I also had a light blue Computer Science workbook. I recalled that I had left my ComSci textbook and workbook in that taxi once. Where was my textbook now? I remembered that I somehow got my textbook back before because I sold it to someone already. Now, I have my workbook. I remembered when I had to copy the questions from somewhere else because I had left my workbook in the taxi. I was dropped off at a place a bit away from where I live, so I had to look around to see any familiar buildings. Even though the buildings were very much like those of my college campus, I couldn't find anything familiar.
Interesting: In reality, we never used a workbook in my ComSci class.
There was another segment when I was sitting at a table outside with my mom. We both had laptops, and we were talking. Can't remember much else.
Lessons learned? No secular music in choir, be careful of worldly influences, Clarissa configured her FB so that we can't see her inbox messages anymore, make sure you have everything before you leave somewhere.
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