I was out with friends in some sort of department store. We were all looking for a bathroom. People were making calls on the phone to look for a bathroom. At first I was looking with Shawn. Then, I saw Danny and told him that we should just walk around to look for one instead of making phone calls to find out. Nearby, we found a bathroom and went in. After using the bathroom, we walked out and went upstairs. Upstairs was a large arcade, but people were in a line to go up the stairs to the next floor. The arcade was pretty empty. Shawn was in line too. I think he saw someone he knew, so he was able to cut some people. I went up to see what was going on. It was some sort of game. Then, I think I started to grow wings, spread out my wings, and fly because I was thinking of how I was going to get past all the people in the line just to see what was at the end of the line.
Later, a group of us were outside looking for a place to play soccer. There was a place with many floors of just soccer fields. We went to the top floor where the sun shone really brightly on us. I was thinking why we didn't just go to the floor right below the top one because the sun was too bright. We were sort of chilling before we started. Then, some other people came to the soccer field, so we didn't play there. We looked over behind us and there was a tennis court, but we didn't bring any tennis equipment. Other people were playing there already too.
Later, stuff happened that I don't remember anymore. Then, we were in a room with a large mat. There was a big scary guy with super powers. He was dark-colored, muscular, and veiny. He challenged Scott, so Scott went to the mat to fight him. (Scott, the one with the laser eyes). The big scary guy was winning. Then, he looked into Scott's eyes and shot laser. Scott and him were both shooting the lasers into each other's eyes. Suddenly, they bounced away from each other. Scott took on another form. He was a bit darker because it's as if the big dark guy's genes went into him. He was losing his balance and wandered off the mat. Then, he popped back to his own form. His face was pinkish and raw because lasers had just been blasted in his face. Jean was trying to help him. The big guy became a white spider and went to the room next door by going through the wall. He was trying to go back to the original room and his giant spider legs could go through the wall. Then, there was a hole in the floor in his room. There was a stream flowing under the hole. In his spider form, he took a drink. I think it had radiation so his head became enlarged.
Later, the spider guy was in the sewers and heard something like a voice. He went to a room in a hotel where he suspected was the source of the voice. The room was like a part of a scary mansion. It was dark and had books along the walls. He heard low bass notes of an organ and echoed laughter. The spider guy was just a normal guy now. Then, there was someone standing among the books talking to him. It was Beast (the blue one from X-men). Beast was wearing a detective outfit. The spider guy was asking him questions. Beast was being eloquent, smooth, and mysterious. Beast gave him some advice. Then, the spider guy was about to leave, but i think he hit the wall. Then, he realized that just hitting parts of the wall (or if there is noise from the sewer) can activate the low ambient sound and the echoed laughter. He was disappointed and left. Then, Beast had to change into a suit. I think I was Beast now. Someone knocked on my door. It was a woman who was on my side. I told her I still needed 10 minutes to change. Later, someone else was knocking, and I said I needed more time. Then, it happened again, but I think it was my enemies now. They were trying to get into my room. Behind me was an indoor balcony, so I just jumped off. I think I could somewhat fly too, so I just went out the large hotel window/screen at the entrance, breaking the window.
I was fighting crime now. I jumped/flied around toward a large mall tower. And it was night. The tower was lit with yellow lights. I broke in through the windows. I was throwing stuff up. They were the small chocolate balls in the golden foil wrapper with a little piece of black paper on the bottom. There were bombs in them, so when I threw them up, they would explode in the air. I saved the building from these bombs. I jumped outside, breaking another window. Outside, there was a guy talking. He looked scared. He was explaining why he put these bombs there. He had wanted to quit his job at this mall so he could go back to Taiwan, and he felt the only way was to blow up the mall. Then, there was one of the chocolates in his mouth, and it exploded in his face, but he was fine. There were some more bombs I had to throw up into the air. I left the arrest to some of the police officers there and jumped away into the night for my next assignment.
I was jumping/flying toward a cluster of buildings. It was still night. I had hawk/x-ray/super vision. I was zooming in from afar. I could see into the building. There was an extravagant party going on. It was someone's birthday. She was making a toast. She had white hair and her hair was so long, it was used to make a chandelier. She was under the chandelier. The party was very decorated. However, her hair was beginning to tear on the chandelier. She was also pretty drunk. As she made a toast, the chandelier ripped and fell on her. She was pretty knocked out. Then, a girl that looked like Candace F went under the hair and put it on her like a wig. Nobody noticed and thought the girl that looked like Candace was the birthday girl. It was disappointing and not really believable. By now, I was just watching this like a movie. So, the Candace girl walked off and the entourage followed her, still thinking she was the birthday girl because the Candace girl stole her hair. (Candace girl has brown hair in reality). She was all arrogant as she walked and she called for Steven, saying "Steven!" arrogantly. Steven was her butler. They walked to a theatre because it was time for a play. The scene was fencing. She was fencing with a guy. She was narrating it too, saying stuff like, "Hi, I am _____. And I have real white hair." Then, the guy pulled off her fencing mask and the white hair and everybody saw that it was actually the Candace-looking girl. They were shocked.
Then, we were in the car (a group of us). We were talking about how much that movie sucked because a lot of it was not believable. I was sitting in the back right seat. The driver was a girl. She said, "I can't find my keys!" Then, Daniel Y (or Sean K. I dont remember) said, "Now you should actually consider it, when we tell you to pray." I think she was a truthseeker or something. She was also holding a square holographic thing. You can see Garadose on it and other pokemon scenes.
That's all I can remember.
Oh, I just looked it up and the chocolate balls are called Ferrero Rocher chocolate balls. lol.
Lessons learned? We need to transcend the things of the earth by spreading our wings and flying like eagles, we have to start playing and filling the soccer court so that other things cannot come and fill it, don't listen to the big dark guy when he challenges to fight you, if you drink radiated water you're head will grow bigger, when someone comes to your scary mansion don't let them play around with your stuff, beware of the Ferrero Rocher chocolate balls because they are bombs, don't try to be someone you aren't and don't be proud, encourage truthseekers to pray.
Dude! Let's trade dreams!