Saturday, June 26, 2010

31. The One Receiving

I just remembered something from EWR. Annie was teaching us a hymn called "My Sin is Ever Before Me." She shared that it was her son's favorite hymn, Then, she said something along the lines of, "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

With that digression out of the way, thank God for many edifying messages today! I feel that every time I think I'm going to be serving God and giving to God, I am actually the one receiving. What I receive from Him is so much more than I can ever imagine giving.

Earlier today, a woman was talking about the students from different areas coming to SSC. A woman said to me, "Oh, you're representing the California area."

My Aunt: Oh no, he's not going to be a student. He's counseling.
Woman (to me): Whoa. I thought you were in high school.


  1. "I feel that every time I think I'm going to be serving God and giving to God, I am actually the one receiving. What I receive from Him is so much more than I can ever imagine giving."

    Good reminder.

  2. Ditto to HLH's comment. Sometimes we may feel that we are doing God a favor by doing holy work, but it's the other way around - it's a privilege and blessing from God to be doing His works.

    Good posts, Albert! Keep it up!
