The earliest I could remember was when I was in an underground parking lot with my mom. I think she had a problem with her eyes. We were walking up/out of the parking lot. I had previously seen a video about what would happen. The cure is to drop a small bomb into a channel/tube laid across her eyes so that when the bomb reaches the part of her eyes, it explodes. Then, I think she was okay, so we didn't have to do that.
Later, I was playing in the snow with church people. I think it was either in a park area or outside of someone's house.
Later, I was doing laundry. First, I think I was doing laundry with Amy, but I forgot to bring my laundry. We went all the way to the laundromat and I forgot. I felt bad. Later, I was doing laundry with Kim. We put the laundry in. Then I think we met a clown or someone wearing something weird. We talked to whoever this was, but I don't remember the conversation. Later, we weren't at the laundromat anymore and I realized I forgot to take the laundry out and bring it back. I also forgot to put detergent. Then we were frustrated because it would take long to walk back.
Later, I was at East Region SSC. I was a counselor, but I thought it was so weird that the counselors didn't sleep with the students because I was in my own bedroom. I was thinking that it was hard to get to know the students if we don't have those night sharings etc. Then, Jillian, Michael, Ramon, Helena, and Alaska were in my room. They started talking. I was looking for something in my bag. Then I realized that was Helena's bag. Mine was under the bed. I apologized because I didn't have my glasses on--I just woke up? Then I went to my bag. Later, they started singing. I forgot what they were singing, but they kept going down in the key. I jumped up an octave and kept going down. Then I said, "You can just jump up an octave and keep doing down." Jillian laughed and nobody else said anything. There was an awkward silence.
Later, I was driving down a road. The car was in the middle lane. I was in the passenger's seat and I couldn't see anyone in the driver's seat. But it was normal-feeling. I needed to go somewhere. When the car stopped at the traffic light, I tried to unlock the car door. It didn't work at first, but then it was allowed to open. I took my shoes and other stuff and ran out. I had a map. My map was also interactive. I could see an arial view of myself at the top 1/3 or 1/4 of my vision. I could also see the directions with information like how long it'll take me to get where. Also, my itinerary was there like my flight time and transfer flight. I ran from the road to the sidewalk on the left. I was running away from the traffic light (in terms of direction). I was trying to share-screen my map/vision with someone online.
As I ran, I got to this grassy plain area. The street was on my right. To the left of the grassy lawn/plain area, there was either a library or just a random dark-colored building. On the plain, there were dinosaurs--really big dinosaurs. They were resting there, the sleepy dinosaurs. As I ran I felt like I was using a lot of energy but it felt I was not getting that far. I was trying to get across the dinosaurs carefully, while still running. I recalled that people had been killed before by these dinosaurs when they weren't careful because the dinosaur might move/change position/roll over and crush them. It seemed like all the dinosaurs were resting. There were about three big ones. As they were sort of just rolling around and shifting, I was trying to run past them. I got near the end and there was a smaller but still big dinosaur resting on my right. I was thinking if it was the smaller kind because I would be doomed. There are small dinosaurs that are known to quickly catch and kill people in the area. Good thing it wasn't that kind of dinosaur. Then, I woke up.
Lessons learned? God might cure you, it's fun to play in the snow with church people, sharing time is important at SSC, don't forget your laundry, some things are too weird to say, be careful around dinosaurs.
i like your map