Thursday, December 9, 2010

67. Amalekites, still here?

"As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning." (Ex 17:11)

Sometimes when we lift up our hands, we expect a sudden victory. We expect the Amalekites to conveniently kill each other, explode, or run away. However, when the Israelites were winning, it wasn't a sudden victory. Moses lifted up his hands, and the Amalekites were still there, as scary and ferocious as before, coming on to the Israelites with everything they had. "Winning" during that battle was gradual, not a one time atomic bomb that dropped right when Moses lifted his hands.

Sometimes our hands start to get tired. We start to lose hope and faith. "Am I really winning? My problems are still here. How come they haven't disappeared? I keep lifting my prayerful hands, but I haven't overcome this battle yet. What's the point? Is there even a difference if I just lower my hands?"

Indeed, the key to overcoming the Amalekites was Moses keeping his prayerful hands up. Even though the enemies still existed, they were winning. This is a spiritual eyesight we must also have.

Even though you've prayed many times, and it seems like the Amalekites are still here, don't give up. Remember, there are Aarons and Hurs lifting up your hands with their hands. Also remember, God has promised, "I will completely blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven." (Ex 17:14b)

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