Thursday, December 16, 2010

68. Questions

Sometimes I'm afraid to ask questions in class because I feel that there are people who are more ahead than I am in the material and would be annoyed at me for slowing down the teacher with my questions.

Sometimes I'm afraid the teacher will think my question is dumb if I ask it.

Sometimes I'm afraid the teacher will make a joke when I ask my question.

Sometimes I'm afraid I will phrase my question poorly.

Sometimes I'm afraid the teacher will ask me to repeat my question.

Sometimes I'm afraid the teacher will choose to not answer my question.

Sometimes I'm afraid I will have to put my hand back down if the teacher doesn't see me raise my hand.

Sometimes I wish that nobody knew me, that nobody knew my name, that nobody would remember my face and voice.

Then, I could ask all the questions I want.

1 comment:

  1. i find that people around us are not as smart/caught up with the material as we think they are (some yes, most no).

    if u dont want to ask in front of everyone, catch the prof after class or in office hours. or ask the ta if the ta is smart.
