Saturday, September 4, 2010

43. Flying Backward

I was so busy last night - dreaming dreams...on Sabbath?

We ran out. We were hiding from someone or some people. Shawn, Michael K, and I ran into a portable to hide. They seemed to know what they were doing, so I followed. Michael stood still in one of the corners. Shawn faced him in the same corner and stood still. I stood to the right of Shawn and copied him. We all tried not to move.

Outside seemed pretty isolated. I was hoping they wouldn't come into the portable to check because I realized how awful of a hiding place that corner was. They could still see us in the open (through the window even). We weren't hiding under or behind anything. Then, someone came in. She noticed us and, in a friendly tone, told us to come out. I think it was someone from my acapella group. She was being very nice, and it seemed okay.

So we followed her to the field where some other people had gathered. I was getting suspicious. Then, I realized that they were going to kill us. I remembered that I had the ability to fly, so I jumped up and propelled myself. Then, I saw Debbie Y who had the ability to make people stop flying. I was worried she would use her ability on me. I think she did, but I told her not to because I needed to escape. Betsie, the president of the acapella group, was in charge of this all. She could also fly. I tried to fly away, but she was able to catch up. I immediately started flying backward and propelling myself. She didn't expect that, so I was able to keep flying higher and higher and more backward.

I was very high now, I think even to the point that I could see the whole earth. I had to quickly go back down and land somewhere. I was trying to choose where. I didn't want to choose anywhere too close to California because they might find me again. In the end, I chose to go to Dallas, so I clicked on Dallas, and I went down.

I was suddenly in a luxury cart. I think it was a compartment of a moving vehicle, but it was nice because it had a sink/drink station, bathrooms, tables, and other things. Betsie was there, but she said it was over now. She explained that the people there were those graduating from the acapella group. They choose some of them and kill them regularly. That's where all the graduates go. Some go on to grad school, some work, and some just disappear (aka, get killed). Then, she and some others went to the room next door, and I went to the bathroom. I realized I was the only guy there in the automotive compartment.

Later, I was taking a test somewhere. It was a standardized test because other people were there taking it too, but we have a peer grade it twice for us. I finished and exited. I turned my test in. Grady had graded it for me twice. I also turned in tests for Salvador and someone else. They both got a 6. I almost forgot to turn it in but realized in the last minute (This corresponds to real life because I was supposed to return Jon and Shawn's NYTS tests, but I still have them. hehe oops.) I was wondering why Salvador and the other person chose me to grade their tests. Did they think I would go easy? Or did they think I would grade it more accurately?

Later, I was in an Egyptian setting. On the top of the pyramid was lava that was flowing slowly. There was also a voice from there giving commands. It was a voice with a tone leaning toward evil. To the right of the pyramid, there was something like a sandbox. To the left, Bart was digging. The voice was telling Bart that he had to make two of these boxes before the lava comes down, so the lava can go into them. He was cutting the ground like bread, using a small knife, and then lifting the terrain. His cutout was too small though.

Later, in the same place, there was a mining area. Someone was telling me how they used to find gold there, then silver, then other things in decreasing value. Then, something poked up from the top of the mine, so someone had to cover the hole with sand.

Scene change. I was talking with some rucf people on what scene should be next. Phil was there. I think we were deciding between playing the scene with me flying (previous part of dream) or the batman scene. Last time when we did the batman scene, Phil wasn't supposed to actually shoot, but he shot me twice, so I had to drink two elixirs. Without really making a final decision, I heard two gunshots. Phil shot me twice on accident again, and I was in the batman scene default. I landed in my garage, but I think my garage was suddenly more techy and scifi. I had two black ribbed cylinders. Inside were yellow-greenish neon liquid. It was my elixir, and I was drinking/sipping it. I saw either Crystal Cheung (or Margaretta. I don't remember.) in the driver's seat. She was sick. I offered her some elixir from my other cylinder. Later, I went inside, and Vivian Chan and Crystal were there. They were telling me how the elixir is just water and sugar. Way to burst my bubble.


Lesson's Learned?
*Sometimes people seem to know what they're doing and genuinely have good intentions, but as Christians, our fate is different. We are called to be blameless and to be co-heirs with Christ. We must not just go along with the flow of this world. If we aren't different, if we don't seem different to others, if we don't act differently, of course, our fate will not be different from those of the world, whom are doomed to perish (unless we convert them).
*Phil, don't shoot me. Let's talk it out before we decide on what to do.

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