Sunday, February 13, 2011

78. Inconsistence

Inconsistent behavior is often a result of favoritism, bias, prejudice, and caring too much about what others think.

1 comment:

  1. Are you talking about statistics or life??

    Data is usually very random and seemingly inconsistent, but when you do some manipulations, you can find some meaningful information. Bias may be a result of inconsistent data collection. =)

    Anyway, I've also recently been thinking about this, or maybe for awhile now..the favoritism, bias and prejudice, especially at church. So, when I read that favoritism is a sin (James 2:9), I wondered..some of the RE kids I don't treat the same..or when I see bro/sis, I feel more inclined to say hi or talk to some rather than others. So, if we want to promote a environment of unity, we should be able to treat everyone the same. We should be able to love each member equally, but is this even possible? We will naturally like some more than others. This especially bothered me because there are some that I don't know how to connect with or talk to. I would say hi, but I feel like it's not enough.
