Thursday, June 10, 2010

15. 母老虎要發威!

It was a cool summer night in the desert caves. It was that sort of night that seemed too pleasant and too enjoyable to let you get away without something bad happening. It was that sort of night when the hyenas might come out to lure innocent lion cubs into a skeleton of a mammoth and play mind games with them. On this unsuspecting night, Mama Tiger was preparing some Cordyceps Sinensis tea (aka caterpillar fungus tea, 冬蟲夏草茶). Baby Tiger was busy playing and Papa Tiger was lying on the communal slab of stone that they used for sleeping and resting.

When she poured the boiling tea into the cups, KA-BOOM! One of the glass cups exploded. It wasn't that sort of zap-into-millions-of-pieces explosion. Nor was it the kind where you hit them in their soft putty chest and they just disappear into oblivion. It was more like a pop where the next thing you know.. there are two pieces right before your eyes.

Then, Mama Tiger proceeded to force Baby Tiger to eat the delicious kiwis she had prepared, but Baby Tiger was convinced he was allergic to them.

When he wouldn't listen, she roared, "母老虎要發威!"

Indeed, do not rouse a mother tiger, or she will split you into two.

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