Thursday, June 10, 2010

11. Power Up

Last night I lay asleeping, there came a dream so fair...

The earliest I can remember is when I was at a school. The teacher was talking about math I think. He asked a question that was really hard, and some people were raising their hands to answer. Across the room in the back was Chris, who was also raising his hand. I was in the left side of the room. I didn't know what was going on, so I obviously was not one of the eager ones to answer. Andrew Hicks was on one of the computers, and I think the teacher told him to get off. He was closing all the windows on the screen, which was taking a long time. He had a lot of windows opened. Then, the teacher went over and just clicked something and everything closed, and Andrew was surprised at how easy that was. Then, I was sitting in front of Chris in the right of the room. I was kind of shocked because I haven't seen him in a while and also because this was the last place I'd expect to see him--but I don't think I expressed this shock outwardly. Chris was whispering some stuff to me, but I dont remember anymore what he said.

Then, I was in an empty classroom. Everyone had gone home. It was night. I almost think it was a Chinese school. Perhaps I was in a different location, or the location became a Chinese school all of the sudden. I walked outside and realized the door was locked now. I noticed the room next door was unlocked, so I went in. A high but not too loud alarm started to ring (it was more of a monotone beeeeep). I tried to get my stuff quickly. I got some stuff from that room. Then I went next door through a door in the wall back to the original room to get my backpack and other stuff. When I was about to exit though the door, there was someone there because of the alarm. I was supposed to face him as my opponent. I started to power-up. "Ahhh!" with an upward inflection. He also started to power up. As he powered up, I noticed he had multiple heads. The head in the middle got bigger and bigger. He also got taller and more muscular. Uh oh. I power-upped some more. So did he. Then I tried to do a Kamehameha wave. "Ka-me-ha-me.. HAAA!" But nothing came out. I was still dramatic with my voice though so I think that sort of affected him. Then I think he exploded or something.

Then my alarm rang I think... so I was half-awake and half-dreaming that I was in my living room next to the piano thinking about how my dream could have ended. I recalled that in Dragonball, there was a Mr. Roshi, the old guy. Maybe my dream could end with an old lady instead, just to twist things up. Maybe she could come to save me in my dream and we could fly home. I was thinking she could fly on a stick with a parasol. Then, while I was in my living room, I had a white Japanese-looking parasol and I was trying to figure out how to use it, but it wouldn't function the way I wanted it to function. Then, people were plucking strings out of my piano because some strings were out of tune. I noticed they were pulling out a lot, so I was getting nervous and suspicious. I said, "You don't have to pull it out unless it's already broken. If it's just loose, you can tighten it." I went to see the strings and a lot of them were really messed up. The coils were pretty messed that I even thought maybe replacing would just be better.

Later, I was in a hotel room and other people were there with laptops. They were watching TV. Some weird stuff had happened. Then I was going to go shower, but I noticed that there was a girl that looked like Mystique in her purple form. She seemed like she was going to shower, but she was watching TV, so I think she let me go first. I opened the door and noticed a woman was already showering, so I quickly told the Mystique-looking person to go first.

Maybe other stuff happened but I don't remember anymore.

Lessons learned? I'm bad at math, Kamehameha waves are not real, sometimes we get too loose and need to tighten ourselves up (if we're really too messed up, we need to replace the old with the new), if you're out with a group make sure someone is not in the bathroom before you open the door.

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